Sunday, 6 June 2010

Piece of cake?

Following my last post on cupcake magic, I realised that I can indeed have my cake and eat it every day of the week with friends like Emma and Annie. As much as the likes of 'Lolas Cupcakes' think they are the bees knees (Lola forgive me- I will still be offering free tasting services), I happen to think that the big cupcake brands will soon be going out of fashion if it is as easy to make cupcakes as these two say it is (no - I don't believe them either).

Although it may not be so easy making them as good as these pictures, Emma and Annie prove just how a simple bit of homecooking (and patience) can result in a batch of tasty treats for a fraction of the price.

top 2 photos emma
bottom picture annies handy work


1 comment:

  1. wow your blog looks so good! and these cakes look fab! this is really inspirational, i'll have a go at making my own batch of cakes! xxx
