Monday, 24 May 2010

Legging It

They were popular in the 80's and went out of fashion for good reason. So why are leggings so damn popular this year?

Apparently leggings are supposed to be tight and stretchy. I will repeat - Apparently. After half an hour of any vigurous sitting/walking/stretching they are guaranteed to bag around you knees and bum. Yes, leggings are sociable creatures, they bond with almost everything - thighs, hips, spare tires - all places where accentuation is not welcomed to the public eye. So why do so many people wear them with little else? Tiny tees and leggings (especially the 'tights' from Primark) leave little to the imagination and might as well be worn with a warning sign.

Would you choose to get dressed in the morning if it covered little up? I think not. Leggings goodbye, stick to your day job in the history book.



  1. Gemma McIntyre25 May 2010 at 11:58

    haha too true lol i wander where you got that idea!! :) xxx

  2. I'm so disappointed with leggings they are my arch rival. Extremely clingy to all the worst bits... must stay well clear.
